Building Resiliency Project

Resources, Support & Information for Compassion Fatigue & Secondary Traumatic Stress

Between 40% and 85% of “helping professionals” develop secondary trauma, compassion fatigue, and/or high rates of traumatic symptoms. Law enforcement, victim service providers, legal providers, and medical responders experience sustained exposure to child and adolescent maltreatment, sexual assaults, and human trafficking. The resulting effects can be devastating and include substance abuse, increased rates of suicide, marital distress, depression and anxiety, and decreased physical wellness. The Building Resiliency Project is a collaboration of North Dakota victim service agencies and the Cass County Sheriff’s Department who came together out of their commitment for the health and wellness of their staff and team members to obtain grant funding to provide support to community providers and law enforcement agencies. This grant funding provided a space where recognition of one’s secondary trauma and compassion fatigue is supported. This project provides communities access to free education for agencies and their staff, resources, and free and confidential counseling through the RST program for those who have been impacted by working with victims of trauma

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These different types of traumatic stress affects can coincide, or be isolated. They are not permanent and can come and go dependent on our resilience, capacity, and support systems.

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